Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Anti-Motivational Posters

Many, many years ago, back when the internet was just a baby, there was a plucky little website unlike any other website. It's name was What despair offered was motivational posters, but they had a twist. They looked inspirational, but the message on them was quite the opposite of what one would normally expect to find. They were funny, and a good time was had by all.

Fast forward to the present day where this neat little concept was replicated by EVERYBODY ELSE ON THE INTERNET!
Hey! Did you see my Motivational Poster? It's, like, totally different that what you are used to! What? Yeah I came up with that idea!

Let's take a look at what the OTHER students are doing
-'Tard 1 Hey! Let's take two completely separate contexts and smash them together!
-'Tard 2 I know! Let's take an image that has been recirculating around the internet for years and write a caption explaining why the picture is funny!
-'Tard 3 We will take another, funny motivational poster and remake it with slightly different words and claim it as our own. Who's going to know?

Stop making these posters. Oh, and a special shout out to you "Poster within a Poster" poster posters. It's not funny anymore!

Home made Anti-motivational posters, I hate you.

Post your own Anti-Motivational posters in the Comments section! Or better yet, DONT!

Offensive Poorly-Drawn Web Comic

Any user of StubleUpon is well familiar with the OPDWC (Offensive Poorly-Drawn Web Comic). There are TOO MANY OF YOU! We need to thin out the herd. Every three pages of the internet is:Let's dissect this comic into it's basic parts, shall we?
-MS Paint-style graphics for that "Anti-Comic" look.
-Little-to-no color for that "Anti-Comic" look.
-Non sequitur punchline only makes it funnier.
-Language that would be offensive if the year was 1953.
-Mentioning one or more of the following: Rape, Murder, Cancer, Aids, Child Molestation, Online Lingo, Nudity, and/or Gay people.
-Super-original signature with a 'Bonus' graphic in the signature line.
-Even though there is a new comic every day, doesn't mean there is a sacrifice in quality!

Just now, I hit the 'Stumble' button in my browser and got this: - Liz Prince's totally funny web comic!
Go ahead... Click around. It's one nailbightingly bad comic after another. There is a reason your comic hasn't been adopted for an Adult Swim cartoon yet Ms. Prince. Because the very idea of anthropomorphic clouds with "Lightning Dicks" make me want to sand off my cornea. Do we understand each other, Liz?
Oh! And don't forget to pick up a T-Shirt while you're there!!!

Let's move on to this monstrosity. I assure you this is NOT a comic that I made, but an actual web comic. Give it up. Go take up a hobby that doesn't outlet to the public.

Fans of Cracked might recall seeing White Ninja. I am currently taking medication to prevent this memory from resurfacing later on in my life.

If you are the owner of an independent comic website with fewer that 8 readers per day (Besides your girlfriend, your room mates Turtle and Doug-o, and the dozens of people on Facebook who read your comic only because you bring it up in conversations and quiz them about what they saw), please give that "" domain to an person who ISN'T going to waste precious, precious webspace. Possibly to a person to kills birds for a living. A person named Joe.

Offensive Poorly Drawn Web Comic... I hate you*.

*Except and xkcd.

Post the worst of the worst Web Comics in the comments section.